If you have ever sold property on your own you know how hard it is to make a successful sale. Estate agents in Scotland come in as middlemen to help you find a buyer and help the buyer get a property and in turn, they are paid a fee for their services. The agents work for you so make sure you are happy with the service that you are paying for. There are online tools that rank agents according to how many successful sales they make and the time they use to make a sale. There are some agents who work exclusively online, otherwise known as online estate agents Scotland.
Difference between High Street and Online Estate Agents Scotland
Property valuation
Online estates agents Scotland services are not localized. They may lack the experience of that local area that the high street estate agent. The high street agent sells property in your local area day in day out therefore he can provide an accurate valuation of your property than an online estate agent who is working on the phone.
Finding a market for your property
In order to make a successful sale through an online agent, you need to have professional pictures of your property taken. This is not the case with your local agent who may have an applicant ready to view your property before it even hits the market. The local agent is also exposed to the public through their offices and adverts
The fees online estate agents Scotland charge
Many of the online agents offer to market your property for a fixed price as opposed to a percentage of the property price. The high street agents mostly charge the percentage method which is higher than the online estate agents. Online agents usually charge an upfront fee which means that even if the property doesn’t sell your money will be lost. Traditional agents charge after they do the work, therefore, they will be more motivated to do it faster.
Viewing of the property
The local agent will arrange with you when your property can be viewed and some will send an employee to view your property. This may not be the case with the online estate agents Scotland due to nature of their work and location. In most cases, you will have to do the viewing yourself. This may not be the best as you may be busy with your work or other businesses, therefore, you may risk losing a buyer. Local agents will arrange and plan the viewing according to your schedule.
Pros and cons using of online estate agents Scotland
Benefits of selling property through an online agent
l Online estate agents Scotland tend to charge a lower price than the traditional high street estate agent. This is in exchange for some services.
l They have are exposed to a wider market than the traditional estate agent.
l You conduct the viewing- this is a benefit because you are the one who knows your property better than the agents so if you are comfortable to show strangers around your home it will be better.
Disadvantages of using online estate agents Scotland
l Most online estate agents Scotland charge an upfront fee therefore if your property does not sell then your money will be lost
l The agents are not well aware of your local area, therefore, it will be hard to value your property while your traditional agent has enough experience in your area
In the end, you will get what you pay for therefore you should choose what you think will work perfectly for you.